Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Comment about the left upper lobe radiodensity ? 47 year old female , presents with background bonchiectasis, was treated with ATT 12 years ago. This time around reports with substantial weight loss 8 kg over 8 months (40-32 ) new shadow lul , cellulitis on dorsum of rt foot.
LUL shadow looks like a solid mass lesion .Bronchosccopy revealed lot of thick pus draining from lul.Hopefully this will be a lung abcess.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The lower image is 7 days earlier.20 year old male with poly trauma with cervical cord injury and quadriparesis, underwent surgery 3 days later he worsened and needed needed mechanical ventilation due to resp.insufficiency. The upper image is the new X ray. What is your diagnosis and what will be the next step ?
In view of the history this is most likely a collapse consolidation .Bronchoscopy is next choice intervention.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Similar yet different ? How will these nodes be described as ? 22 year old female has fever, weight loss and loss of appetite for 2 months.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

60 year old male presented with fever, cough ,exertional dyspnoea and some weight loss over last 2 months. What is the likely DD and which investigation will you choose next?
Extensive mediastinal adenopathy . Bronchoscopic TBNA will be next test.
25 year old male Known MDR TB for past 4 years , on ATT with second line agents, smear and culture negative for last 1 year.Describe radiological findings and comment on activity?
Ribs removal gives away the surgical intervention.Right upper lobectomy has left a cavity like residual space.Left upper lobe infiltrates are fibrotic scars. Mostly not an active disease.In any case that is decided by sputum/BAL better than radiology.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Middle aged female with recurrent LRTI is adviced CT thorax. Based on these images will you advice lobectomy? Justify your answer .
Bronchieactasis is localized to left lower lobe and recurrent severe infections will be an indication to consider lobectomy.Complicating factor is evolving emphysema in left upper lobe, V/Q scan,Bronchoscopy and lung function needs to be carefully done before taking decision on surgery.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Write all findings on this X ray ?
Bilateral interstitial infiltrates, Rt pneumothorax collapsed lung border, surgical Emphysema

Friday, September 04, 2009

50 year old female , presented with chest pain, cough,weight loss and occasional hemoptysis.
Bronchoscopy revealed narrowed right upper lobe lumen but biopsy from mucosa was nonconclusive.
Finally CT guided FNA was done from the mass.This was difficult due to close proximity of big vessels. FNA cytology - Adenoca

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Write the radiological description and DD for the CT images , 57 year old , nonsmoker,male, symptoms s/o mild intermittent asthma since last 15 years.